What’s News

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And if you have a good news story about using the ASVB, we'd love to share it, so please get in touch!

Q&A with InCommunity

Recently, the ASVB were fortunate enough to sit down with one of our current Grant Recipient’s, Paul Tommasini, CEO of inCommunity, to ask him about his organisation’s experience of using the ASVB. ASVB Q1: We...

Posted 15 Oct 2018

ASVB Users - InCommunity

Lendlease – Paying it Forward with the ASVB

With a vision to create the best places for people both now and in the future, it makes perfect sense that Lendlease would be amongst the first of the large corporations to start using the...

Posted 11 Dec 2017


What is Wellbeing Valuation, and why use it?

The ASVB uses a method called Wellbeing Valuation (WV) to convert the value of social outcomes into dollar terms. But what is Wellbeing Valuation, and why do we use it? In general, wellbeing can be...

Posted 27 Sep 2017


Why Use Cost-Benefit Analysis?

The ASVB Value Calculator uses Cost-Benefit Analysis to calculate the social impact created by an activity as this is the approach recommended in government guidelines across the OECD. The Australian Government is “committed to the use...

Posted 25 Aug 2017
