ASVB Value Calculator

The ASVB Value Calculator lets you measure your social impact in a rigorous way, even with limited resources. The online Calculator is pre-populated with our bank of social values which then allows you to conduct a best-practice informed Cost Benefit Analysis of your program, by following three simple steps:

1. Select the social outcome/s

Selecting the social outcomes created by your program

Select the social values which are affected by an activity, intervention or program that your organisation delivers (eg – good overall health is related to my health education program).

For example, this can be from a logic model or theory of change model and can be based on stakeholder opinion.

Further reading:

2. For how many people

Number of people experiencing social outcomes from your program

Estimate the number and types of people affected by your activity using our bespoke set of survey instruments that are included with the ASVB.

You can refine the demographics of your beneficiaries into age groups and location (whether they live in a capital city or not). This will change the amount of social value created by your program.

The Value Calculator also automatically adjusts the numbers you enter to account for the people that would have achieved the outcome anyway, so as to get a closer estimation of the causal impact of your program. [*NB – if you have the ability to calculate the specific deadweight of your program via a Treatment and Control Study, the automatic deadweight calculation can be overridden.]

3. Enter how much it's costing you

Social Value Icon

Enter the cost of delivering your program. The Value Calculator updates these costs to adjust for:

(i) estimates of opportunity cost which is the social value that would have been created with the next best use of the financial resources spent on the program, and

(ii) optimism bias which is the tendency for project appraisers to be overly optimistic about costs.

Based on this information the ASVB will calculate your organisation’s overall contribution to society and social value.

You can estimate the net benefits to society and the overall return on investment of your activities and organisation.

This can be used to:

  • demonstrate your organisation’s impact,
  • guide investment,
  • attract further funding, or
  • as evidence for achieving social goals.

If you want to find out more about how your organisation can use the Australian Social Value Bank to demonstrate their social impact, please download the ASVB User Guide.

How does the ASVB Calculate the Social Value of my program?

See Also