What’s News

Read all of the latest ASVB news from behind the scenes and in the media.
And if you have a good news story about using the ASVB, we'd love to share it, so please get in touch!

ASVB Grants Available Now

What is the ASVB Grant Program? The ASVB offers a grant program for not-for-profits and certified social enterprises, with an annual revenue of less than $1.5M, to access the ASVB for free. These grants are...

Posted 25 May 2022

Resilience & Help Seeking – New Wellbeing Values

*Trigger warning – This story contains content about suicide We’re always so excited to announce that we’re adding new values to the ASVB – but these two values seem especially important given everything that is...

Posted 23 May 2022


THE ORIGINAL ASVB WELLBEING VALUES The Australian Social Value Bank first went live in 2016. Our original set of wellbeing values were based on two data sets: The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia...

Posted 11 Oct 2021


One of our newest subscribers joining the ASVB community is Relationships Australia NSW. The core business of Relationships Australia NSW is about “Reshaping lives, one relationship at a time.” To really understand the social value...

Posted 26 Aug 2021

Small boy touching fathers nose with finger


It is important to understand our history in order to glean a sense of our future. ASVB History The ASVB’s history stems from the leadership shown by the UK housing sector, who, as social purpose...

Posted 14 Oct 2020

Australia’s Hidden Social Value Act

You might be aware that the ASVB is based on a model that was developed by the UK housing sector, the UK Social Value Bank. The tool was developed in response to their Government’s introduction...

Posted 26 Feb 2020

Christmas Offer 2019 – Santa is Early!

Giving fever has started early this year at the ASVB, and here’s a Christmas offer you don’t want to miss… For the FIRST TIME EVER we’re giving 20% OFF ALL LICENCES!! That’s right, you’ll receive...

Posted 06 Nov 2019

ASVB Xmas Santas

Impact Conference Chatter

We have had a great August out meeting face to face with impact measurement practitioners, managers, CEOs and board members across the not-for-profit, social enterprise and housing sectors. We thought it might be good to...

Posted 19 Sep 2019

chatting people