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Do I Measure Impact or Evaluate?

I have asked myself this question a lot in the last couple of years. Every few months I take some time to seriously reflect upon my skills, and recently, not so seriously, when adding hashtags to social...

Posted 21 Nov 2018

Question Mark Hedge

Top 5 Survey Tools – Which one is right for you?

Top 5 Survey Tools We’ve researched, trialled and worked with many of the top survey tools over our careers. These are our personal favourites and a good starting point for anyone in the market for survey...

Posted 20 Nov 2018


What is Wellbeing Valuation, and why use it?

The ASVB uses a method called Wellbeing Valuation (WV) to convert the value of social outcomes into dollar terms. But what is Wellbeing Valuation, and why do we use it? In general, wellbeing can be...

Posted 27 Sep 2017


Why Use Cost-Benefit Analysis?

The ASVB Value Calculator uses Cost-Benefit Analysis to calculate the social impact created by an activity as this is the approach recommended in government guidelines across the OECD. The Australian Government is “committed to the use...

Posted 25 Aug 2017
