ASVB Victorian Government Outcomes Alignment Paper Published

Posted on the 12th March 2019

Today we launch the third in our series of government alignment papers, this time with a focus on the Victorian Government.

Victoria is a hotspot for interest in using the ASVB at the moment and we are encouraged by how developed the thinking of organisations who contact us from Victoria has been recently. There is a very active impact measurement community and some very well-respected practitioners who call Victoria home. This alignment paper is aimed to illustrate how we support impact measurement across Victoria for organisations, funders and government.

The Victorian government outcomes framework forms part of the Department of Health and Human Services strategic plan. There is clear evidence that it has been embedded internally and they are reporting on their performance against the outcome areas. The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework add an additional domain of “Victoria is Liveable” to the Department’s higher-level strategic plan version.
Victorian Framework Summary Domains
The Victorian framework has five domains which are Victorians are healthy and well, Victorians are safe and secure, Victorians have the capabilities to participate, Victorians are connected to culture and community, Victoria is liveable.

By using the ASVB in conjunction with the Victorian Outcomes Framework, your organisation will be contributing to population-level government metrics, as well as quantifying the impact of your organisation’s programs.

The ASVB Value Calculator offers organisations a user-friendly tool which has a consistent approach to measuring different outcomes and one that allows impact comparisons. Using the ASVB Value Calculator will allow organisations to communicate the social value of their individual programs, as well as the overarching impact created by their organisation. It also provides clarity and transparency to government and other stakeholders in how you have calculated your social value.

If the ASVB is applied broadly across the social sector, it will allow stakeholders to understand the combined impact of a program being delivered across multiple organisations, as well as the aggregated social value of those working to achieve different outcomes under the framework.

This information will be highly valuable to governments as they start to align their budget forecasting, procurement and reporting in alignment with their Public Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework.

In the case of philanthropic organisations working to fund improvement within any of the five outcome domains, whilst they may be contributing to improvement being seen at population level data, the ASVB will help them to understand the social value of the programs they are specifically funding, independent of any other aligned activities.


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