Who are we?
Alliance Social Enterprises have driven the development of the ASVB to support investment in programs that deliver positive social impact as well as provide good value for money.
Simetrica, global leaders in Social Impact Measurement, have provided the expertise.
Together we bring you the Australian Social Value Bank.
Alliance Social Enterprises
Alliance Social Enterprises Company Ltd (ASE) is an Australian not-for-profit company established by three regional community housing providers, North Coast Community Housing, Housing Plus and Homes North, to develop the Australian Social Value Bank in partnership with Simetrica.
Our vision is to improve the ‘wellbeing’ of individuals and communities within Australia.
Our mission is to support the delivery of effective programs that make a positive impact on people’s wellbeing and offer good value for money.
We will achieve this by supporting organisations to use the ASVB so that they can understand the net social benefit their programs are creating.
We hope that the ASVB becomes the commonly accepted benchmark standard for measuring social impact across government, corporate, philanthropic and not-for-profit sectors within Australia.
ASE Governance

The Australian Social Value Bank is overseen by the ASE Board, with support from the Boards of the founding member organisations of the Housing Alliance. This includes: Homes North Community Housing, North Coast Community Housing and Housing Plus.
The ASE Board is comprised of representatives from the three founding members of the Housing Alliance as well as an independent member (in accordance with the ASX Principles).
Alliance Social Enterprises Company Ltd was formed in 2016 and is a public company limited by guarantee, ABN 83613476761
Certified Social Enterprise
In 2019 the Australian Social Value Bank became a Social Traders Certified Social Enterprise.
Social enterprises use the power of the marketplace to solve the most pressing societal problems; social enterprises are commercially viable businesses existing to benefit the public and the community, rather than shareholders and owners.
If your organisation has a social procurement target, you can now rest assured that subscribing to the ASVB is helping you to create social impact.
For further information on Social Traders Certification:
Visit Social TradersSimetrica-Jacobs
Simetrica is a research consultancy based in London, UK specialising in policy evaluation and is one of the leading organisations in the world on non-market goods valuation. Simetrica has leading expertise in a wide range of fields related to policy evaluation covering the ethics of policy evaluation, causal inference (statistics and econometrics), valuation of outcomes (including non-market goods and services), cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, impact assessments, social impact measurement, and behavioural science. Simetrica’s expertise in these areas is demonstrated by the advisory and research work that it does for a wide range of high-profile organisations from across the globe covering the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
In 2014 Simetrica worked with the UK housing association HACT in building the UK Social Value Bank which measured the primary wellbeing benefits for a range of outcomes similar to those seen in the ASVB. The UK Social Value Bank is now the main social impact method used in the UK housing sector.
For more information about Simetrica and their work, please visit www.simetrica.co.uk.
For more information about the UK Social Value Bank:
Visit HACTDaniel Fujiwara
Daniel Fujiwara, the founding Director of Simetrica, is an internationally renowned expert on policy evaluation, social impact measurement and non-market valuation methods. Daniel has published extensively in these areas in both the government and academic literature and he has overseen evaluations on project and policy investments totalling over AUD$5 billion. Daniel has been a pioneer of the Wellbeing Valuation approach over the past eight years, and together with other members of the Simetrica team, he has produced policy evaluation and social impact guidelines for the UK Government, the United Nations, the Government of Poland, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This includes contributing to and co-authoring the HM Treasury Green Book and supplementary guidelines, the core evaluation manual for all central UK Government departments. Daniel has also advised a number of governments on policy evaluation, including the New Zealand Government, the Government of Canada and the Government of Poland. Prior to establishing Simetrica Daniel was Senior Economist in a number of organisations including the Department for Work and Pensions, the Ministry of Defence, the Cabinet Office, and the Ministry of Finance (Tanzania). In 2012 he was awarded the John Hoy Memorial Prize in Economics for his contribution to policy evaluation in the UK Government.
For more information on Daniel Fujiwara and his colleagues:
Visit Simetrica-Jacobs